Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What a bold PR event for Heineken Italy!

Champions League Match vs Classical Concert

(Real Madrid, AC Milan) 

A really successful PR event for Heineken Italy. The audience will never forget it.

This is a pretty brave guerrilla marketing event by Heineken on the eve of one of the biggest matches, Real Madrid vs AC Milan. You might think of the event to take advantage of all the soccer fans, but you’d be wrong.

Heineken decided to stage a fake classic concert in an Italian theater event at the same time the game was to be played. To make this happen, they recruited about 200 people to get 1000+ males into this event, sacrificing the biggest game of the season! 

Heineken even had the event broadcast live on SkySport for the Authenticity. As the event got underway and the males in the audience got increasingly bored, the stage slowly released clues to involve them as the big reveal came! A live projection of the entire game for all 1000+ people in the audience, with Heineken the absolute heroes!

Very cool on a massive scale.  

I really love the way they’ve done a bit more with their sponsorship than just logo slapping. And the mixture of sheer joy and relief coming from the audience is palpable – genuinely delightful.

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