The PR Fundamentals are even more basic than the PR Basics! The Fundamentals give you the brief overview of what Public Relations is. Fist of all, NEVER ask journalists for media coverage if you want to get it. Instead, OFFER your help such as a vast list of contacts, your expertise, some quotes or data. Regardless of the outcome, just do it for a karma point.
1. Thinking differently - this is of major importance. Normal people tend to get greated normally. Mostly though, they get ignored. Be a bit above normal, you'll get some good attention.
2. Reporters are your friends. They need to be. But : YOU DO NOT CONTROL THEM. you can't control what they write, you can't delude yourselves into thinking you can. It doesn't work that way. You can, however, suggest, offer, and support. This will help you, will help your clients, and your own business. But you do not control what they write. The second you start to think you do, you'll be smacked down so fast, your heads will spin.
3. Learn to craft a press release that doesn't put people to sleep. Your CEO can tell you something that will put you to sleep. Your amazing craft of a job is to turn the snoozer into something caffeinated. Think about the release. What can you do differently to it? What can you do that grows it, which takes it to a level where someone won't immediately delete it? Can you add another level of creativity to it? What can you do that adds some kind of HOOK to it? Something that not only keeps the reporters' eyes open, but makes them go, "OK, cool. I can write about that."
4. Remember what a repoter covers, and hit that reporter with what he covers. DON'T hit the reporter with what he doesn't cover. The reporter will hit back. Don't "massblast." You'll get virtually no coverage, and lose a lot of future chances for coverage.
5. Finally, know your reporters before you pitch them. Regardless of what you're doing-a stunt, a typical release, anything-know the reporter. Know the likes and dislikes of the reporter befor you go to them with a release. They might like only a paragraph. Or just key points with nothing else. KNOW first. Then GO!
6. Super-finally: have fun. I'll say this over and over again. Have fun. PR is a fun game you should play. You can really enjoy yourself, if you do it right. So do it right.. Have FUN!
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