Created and developed by creative agency Duval Guillaume Antwerp, Nutricia, one of the well known brand and specialist of baby food and clinical nutrition products, has offered Belgian fathers to have a chance to experience the pregnancy with a high tech empathy suit.
Aimed to introduce the fathers-to-be about what thier wives and girlfriends go through, the empathy suit mimics the sensation of pregnancy. As demonstrations, Nutricia has been taking the empathy suit to shopping malls to let people try it. As a result, the guys who try it on seem to come away with a new respect for their better half.
As a part of the integrated communication strategies, Nutricia also created an awesome iPhone app “Baby Connection” designed for both pregnant women and their husbands, allowing both to record aspects of the pregnancy in a timeline that can be shared via social media.
The Baby Connection apps share everything that they plan, learn, feel, see and hear during these special pregnancy months. The iPhone app also automatically allows two phones held together to form one giant screen.
I think this is such a great case of an IMC strategy that contatins advertising, promotion, viral marketing and social media for communicating with their core target. Their method to approach the target is so remarkable because they considered not only the current target who is pregnant and husband but also the prospective target who is going to be the pregnant and husband in the near future.
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