Monday, September 26, 2011

5 Lessons from the story of Swiffer

Now Swiffer is a verb! Here are 5 lessons we can learn form the story of Swiffer.
1. Demographic changes open up new oppertunities.
The fact that more women work outside the home has increased the level of frustration with household chores, creating an opening for solution like Swiffer.

2. If something is a common problem that everyone recognizes, its solution would be universally embraced.
Everybody hates mopping. Look for ideas hidden in the obvious, the mundane, the negative, and the bothersome.

3. Thoughtful details make the difference between a product women like and a product women love.
Details are what seperate the good fromm the great. A mop that doesn't tip over when you lean it against the wall? Ingenious!

4. How you innovate is just as important as what you innovate.
Watching your customers in their natural habitate may lead you to innovations faster than any simulated environments or well-written research reports.

5. Simplicity matters
If the customer needs a manuual the size of a dictionary to use your product, then you're creating a barrier to women embracing your product. Whatever it is, make it easy to open and operate!

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